Wednesday, June 30, 2010

MASS MACHINE® Training Tip: Use Your Physical Strength to Create More Mental Strength

By Skip La Cour
Six Time National Champion Bodybuilder
Success and Leadership Coach

Here's a next level training tip when you are doing single-limb movements (i.e. Alternating Dumbbell Curls and Dumbbell Rows):

It's quite common for you to have one arm or leg that is stronger and/or more coordinated than the other.

Always start the set with your STRONGEST limb!

That way, your weaker limb will ASPIRE to match the productivity of your stronger one--rather than your stronger limb SETTLING for what your weaker one is able to do and end the set.

This is one small distinction that will make a MASSIVE difference over time!

Train Hard--and Think BIG!

Skip La Cour

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