Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You Can't Just "Show Up" to the Gym and Expect to Grow

By Skip La Cour
Six-Time National Champion
Success Coach

Many Bodybuilders Don't Come to the Gym with a Definitive Workout Plan

Can you believe that some bodybuilders show up to the gym without a well-defined game plan? They put too much faith in their instincts to guide them through their training sessions. This is a big, stupid mistake.

There's a saying that goes “When you fail to plan—you plan to fail.” You should never take even one step into the gym without knowing exactly what you are going to do during that day's workout. Resist the temptation to be guided by your feelings or emotions on a particular training day. As you may already realize, your feelings about anything can change every 10 minutes. Come into the gym with a plan-of-attack and be ready to execute that plan the best you can once it's established.

Take Action and Do This NOW!

Set simple training goals before every workout. Creating a short list of “training disciplines” can be extremely helpful in your pursuit of big muscle gains. This list can include a few simple tasks that you'll focus on during your workouts even when you're not as motivated as you'd like to be.

Simply getting to the gym on time, completing every one of the exercises and sets that you planned to do when you stepped into the gym, making sure you really focus on the targeted muscle group during every repetition, and completing your training session in an hour are just a few examples of what you can include on your list of simple training goals. You don't need to be extremely detailed right off the bat, but create some structure to your workout so you'll know that you are progressing. As you track your goals, you will increase your level of focus and successfully take your efforts to the next level.

Be ready for every single set you perform in the gym. Know what you want to achieve before your hands even touch “metal.” You should always know the minimum number of repetitions you want to do before your hands even touch a barbell, dumbbell, or training machine apparatus. You should also know the minimum number of calories you want to burn and the minimum distance you want to travel before your feet touch the bike pedals or machine floor mat when doing cardiovascular training. Never let your body dictate what you can do when you can use your powerful mind to bolster its performance. Unless, of course, your body wants to do a little better than the specific goals you've set.

Consider taking this training strategy even a little further. Invest a little time to think about your next workout before you leave the gym. There's no need to get really involved in this particular step but do take the time to think about your next workout. You'll set your mental “wheels in motion” with a simple preview of what's to come during your next training session. Trust me. You'll be astonished with how effectively your subconscious brain will prepare you for your next productive workout over the next day or so—with very little effort on your part. You'll discover that this tip is a great investment of the last 30 to 60 seconds you spend in the gym.

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