Thursday, August 6, 2009

The FUNDAMENTALS are going to get you where you want to go-not the "revolutionary" training and eating strategies!

Hello, Men.

It’s Skip La Cour with another important message as your strive to take your bodybuilding and training efforts to a higher level.

Not everything you read in the bodybuilding magazines and on the internet web sites is EQUAL IN IMPORTANCE.

As you strive to take your training, eating, and physical development to a higher level, you must learn how to distinguish between what’s important—and what is NOT.

The FUNDAMENTALS are going to get you where you want to go—not the fancy, exciting, “revolutionary” training and eating strategies that seem to immediately grab the attention of those people looking for shortcuts.

Fundamentals are the building blocks. Mastering the fundamentals is the key to your success.

Those people who succeed with their bodybuilding and training efforts have identified, focused on, and mastered the FUNDAMENTALS.

Those people who struggle haven’t even been able to identify what the fundamentals are.

There’s no need for you to put much energy into figuring out whether a barbell curl will build your biceps more effectively than a dumbbell curl; if brown rice is better to eat than white rice; or exactly how you should cycle your creatine if you are NOT showing up to the gym consistently or eating your six meals a day consistently!

And those are just two of the basic fundamentals that you need to really focus on—and I have dozens more examples!

You absolutely must take care of the fundamentals FIRST. Only then can you move on to the more “complex” bodybuilding and training principles. And, only when you have effectively handled the fundamentals will the more complex strategies even make sense to you—let alone produce any significant results. Here’s a helpful tip after reading information in a bodybuilding magazine or a website.

Ask yourself these three (3) questions:

1. How would I rank this information in terms of importance on a scale of 1 to 10? (10 = extremely important; 1 = maybe interesting—but not very important for where I am right now). You see, EVERY writer will be passionate about the information he or she shares in a magazine or on a web site—so I am sure it will sound awesome to you. Don’t let that writer’s passion and persuasive words take you off track.

2. Will this new strategy really produce any significant results if I am not executing the basic fundamentals? (i.e. showing up at the gym on a consistent basis; focusing while I am there; or eating five or six meals throughout the day)? If not, hold off on putting the new plan into action until you have the fundamentals covered.

3. What exactly will I gain by adopting and implementing this new strategy—and abandoning the one I’m currently using? Put a SPECIFIC NUMBER on it (i.e. 10 pounds of more rock-solid muscle in the next year; 5 pounds less body fat; etc.). And, I’m not talking about if it would “feel better” to you! (I coach my students to NEVER use their feelings to guide them because feelings are UNRELIABLE, UNPREDICTABLE, and oftentimes IRRATIONAL.)

Let’s face it, if taking this new direction isn’t going to produce anything more than making you “feel good,” you might as well stick to the one you already have and put all of your energy into making this one work.

Man! I WISH I had this kind of valuable information available to me when I first started training. I had to learn to how make sense out of all the THOUSANDS of articles of other people OPINIONS all by myself! Just think of how much time I wasted!

What happens when you look at all of the MASSIVE amounts of bodybuilding and training information like it is ALL equal in importance? You are overcome with frustration, overwhelm, and eventually quit altogether. I’ve seen time and time again in my many years of helping other people.

But how do you decide what is important with your limited amount of experience?

As YOUR COACH who has over 20 years of experience, you need me to emphasize what needs to emphasized. And ONLY what needs to be emphasized! That’s EXACTLY what I have done in my 13 hour audio seminar course “The Mindset and Actions of a Champion” complete with workbooks.

I’ve laid out everything for you in an organized and PRIORITIZED manner. This program teaches you how to WIN at your bodybuilding and training efforts. The massively important fundamentals of weight training, cardiovascular training, nutrition, nutritional supplementation, and the critical mental skills that you need are DRIVEN HOME to guarantee your SUCCESS!

The two-hour session on NUTRITION ALONE is worth the entire investment for the “Mindset and Actions of a Champion” audio seminar course. During this session (Session Two), I will teach, outline, guide, and motivate you with a step-by-step method for you to create an eating plan that builds MUSCLE and dumps BODY FAT and fits perfectly for YOUR lifestyle.


For a LIMITED TIME, I will give you THREE (3) of my very best-selling ebooks ABSOLUTELY FREE. The three ebooks that I have sold THOUSANDS of copies in over 52 countries around the world (Skip La Cour’s Bodybuilding Nutrition, Thinking Big, and Thinking Big II) are a $54.97 value!


I’m so confident that you will find this audio seminar course far more of a value than the money that you’ve invested that I’m offering a 100 PERCENT MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you are not completely satisfied. All that I ask is that you go through the entire program, take notes throughout it, and fill out the exercises in the workbooks.

You can even keep the three ebooks as my gift for taking action to take your bodybuilding and training efforts to the next level. When you finish this intense Bodybuilding and Training seminar, you’ll know exactly WHAT to do to get to the next level.

The only question left will be IF you are going to do it.

And that’s an AWESOME position to be in, isn’t it?

Go here NOW for more information about this AMAZING bodybuilding and training audio seminar course:

Copyright 2009 Skip La Cour Consulting. All Rights Reserved.