Thursday, August 20, 2009

I’ll Coach You to the Next Level and Turn You Into a “Mass Machine” with This Free 30-Minute mp3 Sound File!

Hello Men.

It’s Skip La Cour.

If you’ve read my articles or have listened to my podcasts and talk radio shows, then you know that I constantly stress this concept . . .

Your MIND is your most powerful training tool!

“Mass Machine” many years ago because of my extremely disciplined and effective approach to bodybuilding and training.

I am going to share with you my SECRET that helped me develop the tremendous ability to focus and execute—and I am going to get you excited about taking a 30-Day CHALLENGE that will totally TRANSFORM the way you attack your training, eating, and thinking habits FOREVER!

I was able to HARNESS the tremendous power of my brain and win six national bodybuilding championships because:

1. I was able to identify, study, and focus on ONLY WHAT I NEEDED TO KNOW with my training, eating, and mental habits—and AVOID the useless, misguided, and confusing information.

2. Then, I constantly “programmed” my brain on both a conscious and subconscious level to stay completely FOCUSED on what I needed to do to get the job done!

Your IDENTITY is Crucial to Your Success!

Now, it’s time for YOU to turn into a Mass Machine the very same way that I did—and take your bodybuilding and training efforts THROUGH THE ROOF!

“Why Mass Machine?” you might be asking yourself right now.

Your identity; how you see yourself; how you “label” yourself; is the most POWERFUL force you have available to you to reach your bodybuilding and training goals.

Your identity gets you through the challenging times—and it forces you step up, ask for more out of yourself, and kick things to an even HIGHER level when times are going well.

MASS: Because you build dense, rock-hard muscle and lose body fat that creates QUALITY MASS onto your physique.

and . . .

MACHINE: Because you work toward your bodybuilding and training goals with “machine-like” precision, focus, and perfect execution of the key daily disciplines needed to succeed.

Think about it for a moment:

What would a person with the empowering identity like a Mass Machine do next when he’s laying in bed in the morning or sitting on the couch after work when he feels too tired to get his butt up and go to the gym?

Or, when a friend puts some mouth-watering pizza in front of his face and his next schedule “cheat day” is still a couple of days away?

What about when he has to decide whether he should use the 50-pound dumbbells or the 45-pound dumbbells during the next set?

Or, if he’s going to do his scheduled cardiovascular session like he knows he should—or blow it off?

When you become a Mass Machine, there’s absolutely no question that you are going to jump up and get to the gym no matter how tired you feel; pass on the pizza and wait until you’ve earned it; grab the 50-pounders with courage and confidence; and do your cardiovascular training anyway!

That’s the powerful effect your identity has on your ACTIONS.

Do you need some of more of that POWER?

It sounds awesome, doesn’t it?

Are you sick and tired of letting yourself down? Are you starting to get disgusted with all the stupid excuses you are making when you don’t do what you already know you should do?

Well, believe it or not, that power is ALREADY inside of you—and I desperately want you to start drawing upon it NOW!

The MM120 (Mass Machine 120)

I’ve created this 30-minute mp3 sound file with over 120 POWER STATEMENTS that pound into your brain EXACTLY what you need to focus on and execute to create the physique that you really want.

I’m “in your ear” with the most effective and efficient raining, nutrition, and motivational strategies.

It’s a COMPLETE OVERVIEW of everything that I’ve been teaching you for years efficiently compacted into this 30-minute personal coaching session!

Here are just a few examples of what you will hear me say as I COACH you to the next level:

• “You know that training intensity is giving 100 percent of your mind, body, and soul to every repetition, every set, every exercise, during every workout.”

• “You get yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically ready for every single set you perform in the gym.”

• “You always expect the best from your efforts—and don’t get discouraged if you don’t see the results you want as soon as you want. You are patient. You are persistent. You are a MASS MACHINE!”

• “You create a series of daily action steps—Daily Disciplines—that you can execute every day to get you closer to the body you ultimately want.”

• “You let the power of MOMENTUM work for you—and do NOT keep switching from one plan to another without giving each one the time and effort they need to produce results.”

Again, there are over 120 statements just like these that are crammed into this coaching session!

Here’s the MM120 (Mass Machine 120) Challenge:

Download this file to your IPod (or mp3 player).

Listen to the 30-minute recording every day during your 5-day structured week for the next 30 days. Ideally, you want to listen to this recording while you are working out in the gym.

Only listen to these MM120 five days during the week. There’s no sense in getting burned out doing too much. 30 minutes just five days a week will be plenty of “exercise and practice” to get these statements into your subconscious thought process and automatically integrate them into your bodybuilding ad training lifestyle without a lot of effort.

If you can’t listen to them while you are working out, then download this mp3 file to your home computer and invest the time listening to them first thing in the morning.

Even if you get “bored” with this process, promise yourself to stick with it for 30 days. Many times, we are getting positive results in our lives and we have no idea where to credit the cause of those positive results. These MM120 statements will be just one of those instances.

Remember that when things are going well for you in your bodybuilding and training lifestyle—and you don’t feel like listening to the sound file anymore.

Stick with it—and turn yourself into a Mass Machine!

Right click HERE to download the MM120 mp3 file and save it to a predetermined folder on your computer.

Train Hard—and Think BIG!

Skip La Cour
Six-Time National Champion Bodybuilder
Success Coach

P. S. I want your feedback within 30 days of taking on this MM120 Challenge.

CLICK HERE to return to the web site.

Copyright 2009 Skip La Cour Consulting. All Rights Reserved.